by T. Austin-Sparks
Chapter 5 - Mentality, Or Attitude Of Mind
“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war
according to the flesh (for the weapons of our warfare
are not of the flesh, but mighty before God to the
casting down of strong holds); casting down imaginations,
and every high thing that is exalted against the
knowledge of God, and bringing every thought into
captivity to the obedience of Christ” (2 Corinthians
Taking the latter part of the above passage:
“Casting down imaginations” (the margin gives
as an alternative “reasonings”)... and bringing
every thought into captivity to the obedience of
Christ”, we will now look together at the matter of
mentality in relation to this great spiritual warfare.
The perils and threats to victory of a wrong mentality;
the tremendous advantage of a right mentality. I am again
drawing upon the book to which reference has been made
throughout these chapters. Although, in that book, the
word ‘mentality’ is not specifically employed,
what I am saying is certainly found there in substance.
A Wrong Mentality As To The Higher Command
Returning to the
subject of our first consideration—that of the
Supreme Command—let us state at once that there
exist perils of a wrong mentality concerning the Lord
Jesus, the Supreme Commander of all the Forces in the
field which go by the name of the Church. The wrong
mentality concerning Him is this: that He is One from
whom to get everything, instead of the One to
whom to give everything. There is a great danger
of always thinking in terms of what we are to get from
Headquarters, of what advantages are to accrue to us, of
drawing toward ourselves: in effect—although we
should never admit this—really putting ourselves,
our interests, in the place of those of the Supreme
Command; for that is how it works out.
It is just at this point that ‘popular’
Christianity has done a great deal of harm. Christianity
has been put upon a wrong basis, or perhaps, to be a
little more charitable, upon an inadequate basis, and the
preaching is almost exclusively in terms of what we are
to get. We are to get salvation; we are to get
eternal life, peace, joy and satisfaction—all this
and Heaven as well! But the emphasis is so largely upon
what we are to get from the Lord Jesus, our
Supreme Commander. It is at least an inadequate
mentality, if not an altogether wrong one when it is a
made a principle; it is a misinterpretation of the whole
Christian life. We will come back to that in a moment.
The right mentality—and, mark you, the only one that
is going to serve the great purpose and to minister to
the great objective—is the mentality that is
governed by the principle: ‘Give everything to the
Lord’; not ‘Get everything from the Lord.’
This is the governing principle of the Godhead, the
principle that to give is the way of fulfilment. In the
case of the Lord Jesus, that is made very clear in one
classic passage of the Apostle Paul. We are told that He
“emptied Himself... becoming obedient even unto
death, yea, the death of the cross. Wherefore also God
highly exalted Him, and gave unto Him the name which is
above every name” (Phil. 2:7–9). Fulfilment,
the restoration of His voluntarily laid aside fulness,
came to Him along the line of emptying, giving, pouring
out. For that is, I repeat, the principle of the Godhead,
and it is to be the mentality of all those who are
engaged in this great warfare. We shall be knocked about,
brought up short, arrested, defeated, just in so far as
we are all the time thinking in terms of what should come
to us. Let us make no mistake about it: it will be like
that. The self-centred life is always the discontented
life. The possessive life is the circumscribed life.
But the out going life is the life of abundant
return—it all comes back. “Give, and it shall
be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, shaken
together, running over” (Luke 6:38). Those are the
words of the Lord Jesus. Do you want eternal possessions?
The way to receive—but don’t do it with this
motive—is to give. That is the principle.
You see the wrongness of the kind of mentality about the
Lord Jesus that feels He should all the time be giving,
giving: that we must more and more receive from Him: that
He is only there for our benefit! You see how false that
is, how unsound and how dangerous: because, immediately
we find that He is not giving like that and things are
becoming a little difficult, we lose interest in the
whole matter, and become paralyzed in battle, helpless as
fighters, impotent in service. It is due to a wrong
mentality about the Supreme Command. He is there to
receive the honour and the glory and the riches, and the
dominion and the power, and everything. And while He will
give and give and give, eternally give, our relationship
to Him must be on the basis, not of how much we
are going to get, but of how much He is going to get from
A Wrong Mentality As To The Christian Life
Secondly, there are the
perils of wrong ideas about the Christian life. There is
the prevalent idea that the Christian life is merely a
matter of being saved and being blessed; salvation and
blessing, and all that goes with salvation. For many,
this is the sum of the Christian life; this is how it is
put by many Christian preachers and leaders, and this is
the mentality which is encouraged. But the Word of God
makes it perfectly clear that the Christian life is
something far more than that. Our mentality, or
‘mindedness’, concerning it, should be that of
being involved in, and a part of, the great conflict of
the ultimate elemental forces of this universe.
For that is the issue. Long, long ago, something
tremendous was set in motion; and ever since then, down
through the centuries, the great purpose of God has been
challenged and disputed. All through these generations
the people of God, men of God, have given themselves in
relation to that one great battle in the universe; and it
still goes on—it is not at an end yet. The real
nature of the Christian life is that you and I,
immediately we become related to the Lord Jesus Christ,
are called into that, involved in that.
We are involved in what I have called the ultimate
elemental forces of this universe in conflict: no less
than the whole hosts of the Kingdom of God and of Heaven,
on the one side, and, on the other side, this vast and
vicious kingdom of Satan.
That is the Christian life! Do not have any illusions
about it! The Lord Jesus allowed no one to have illusions
about it: “Whosoever doth not bear his own cross,
and come after Me, cannot be My disciple” (Luke
14:27). “Whosoever would save his life shall lose
it; but whosoever shall lose his life for My sake, the
same shall save it” (Luke 9:24). You see, that is
straight, frank, candid and honest. This is what we are
in! It is a great privilege to be in it, a great honour
to be in it, but that is it. Let us have no wrong
mentality about this. Through getting a wrong mentality
about it, many people have become disappointed. They
wonder, sometimes; they say: ‘Well, I did not
bargain for this; this is not what I expected, this is
not what I became a Christian for. They told me that my
life was going to be full of joy and happiness and peace,
that everything was going to be beautiful and lovely, and
that I would have a wonderful time—but now what have
I landed into?’ Well, there is joy and
there is peace; there is all that,
thank God; but we have to recognize and to adjust to the
fact that we are in a battle, a fierce, unrelenting
battle; and there is no discharge from the battle in this
A Wrong Mentality As To The Church
Thirdly, there can be
wrong ideas about the Army itself —that is, the
Church: the Church is the Army. It is possible to have a
wrong mentality about this. The wrong mentality that is
possible—and I would say this with emphasis—is
that the Army, the Church, is the end and the object of
everything. Now, we say much about the greatness of the
Church, and we in no way exaggerate in so doing. We speak
of it in superlative terms, as ‘God’s
masterpiece’, and so on. We are encouraged by the
Word of God to think of it as something great and
wonderful, even magnificent. Yes, the Church is a very
wonderful conception in the mind of God from eternity;
the Church has a very large place in the Divine counsels;
it is to be presented at last to the Lord Jesus as a
glorious Church. I will not recount all the great things
that have been or could be said about it.
But, when all has been said that could be said, we have
still to say: The Church is not the object, it
is not the end; the Church is not the ultimate!
The Church is, after all, no more than the instrument; it
is but the vessel, it is but the agent. There is
something beyond the Church—the Church only exists
for something else. Perhaps its greatness in fact derives
from the ‘super-greatness’ of the object which
it is to serve. Let us, then, not make the Church the
end, the ‘everything’; let us not think that we
have to live only and utterly and ultimately for the
Church. We have to remember that, just as the Army does
not exist for itself, does not go out in the campaign,
into the field, for itself, but in the interests of the
sovereign and his kingdom, so the Church exists and
engages in warfare solely for the glory of the Throne,
for the glory of the One on the Throne, for the glory of
the Kingdom. That is the object of the Church’s
If we have faulty ideas here, we shall find that they
constitute a weakness. If we put the Church in the place
of Jesus Christ, we shall find ourselves in trouble with
the Holy Spirit. That is not in any way to displace or to
belittle the Church: but the Church exists for Christ.
All our Church conceptions, all our relationships in that
connection, indeed everything to do with that, should be
governed by the fact that everything is for
Christ—it is for Christ’s sake. Why the Church,
and why all that is said about the Church and related
life? It is for Christ’s sake! We must regard them
as being, not ends in themselves, but for the
satisfaction of Christ. We must have a clear mentality on
this matter, and put Him in His rightful place.
A Wrong Mentality As To Ministries
We come next to the
matter of functioning in the Army, or, to speak in
spiritual terms, the ministries, the functions. Here
again we can have wrong, defective, faulty ideas and
mentality, and it may be that we need to make a little
adjustment over this matter. What is the real meaning and
value of ministries? Is ministry just a question of
imparting knowledge and information? A great amount of
that is, of course, done, in and by ministry. But is that
what it is for—just teaching? No, the function of
this ministry is something more than the imparting of
knowledge and information. We are an Army in the field,
and what is needed in a day of battle is not
lectures—it is provision for the actual need in
which we are found. If we come to the ministry provided
in a condition of conscious need, we are in a way of
getting real value. But if we are only coming for the
sake of attending meetings and hearing addresses and
receiving more and more knowledge and information, we
shall never thereby be qualified for this battle.
Do you see the point? Here is this background of
conflict. From time to time the Supreme Command visits
the various positions, gathers the staff together and
reviews the situation: he assembles all his men and talks
to them. But the scene is a scene of battle. It is a time
of war, not of peace; the conditions prevailing are war
conditions; the scene and circumstances are those of
actual war. Why does he gather the men around? To give
them lectures on the theory of military life? Not a bit
of it! He calls them together in order to give help and
instruction on how to meet the existing and immediate
situation; to direct as to how to cope with that which
confronts them, with that which they are up against right
there and then.
And that ought to be the nature of all our meetings and
our ministry. We ought all the time to be a people on a
war footing, right up against emergencies, threats,
perils and dangers. If we had that mentality, that we
really are so engaged; that we are right up against a
very persistent and cunning enemy; that we are in truth
in the thick of the battle—our meetings would serve
much greater purposes, our ministry would be of far
greater value. Suffer this emphasis and stress. Our
meetings must at all costs be redeemed from being just
sessions of theory. We can reach saturation point in that
way, so that we are unable to take any more. But if we
are right in this battle, and really meaning business, if
we are up against things and want help, we shall go where
help is to be found. We ought to be at our meetings on
this footing: ‘I need it, I cannot do without it, my
situation demands it.’ But if there is no demand,
how valueless will be the supply! We need to get our
mentality adjusted over this. Our meetings and ministry
must represent a provision for immediate, actual need.
And if we really are in the business, the Lord will see
to it that we are in need, all right! He will make things
very practical, very real. He will see to it that our
Christian lives are constantly brought up against new
needs. Do not worry, do not think things have gone wrong,
if you find yourself up against a situation for which you
have no answer! The Lord is doing that to keep you moving
on. Our progress is only along that line, on the basis of
growing need. Immediately that stops, we stop. We go no
further than our sense of need—and our very acute
sense of need. The Lord keeps most of us there, does He
not?—in a way of very real, practical need: more
need, and ever more need. Blessed be God! He only does it
in order that the need may be supplied. But when things
become a matter of course, a matter of habit, a matter
of—‘Well, we are going along to the meeting
because it is meeting night’—then we simply
make every supply dead. May the Lord bring us together
every time as in uniform, that is, on a war footing, as
in a council of war.
All ministry must have a practical background, both for
giving and for receiving. God save those of us who
minister from ministering just theories and material! The
Lord keep all who minister on the basis of a very
practical background, so that what is ministered is born
out of experience and actuality in life. The ministry
must not consist in searching out matter and putting it
together and retailing it as addresses. Not at all! It
must be born out of life, right up to date. And there
must be active exercise on both sides—in those who
minister and in those who receive. It must be a practical
matter: there must be action about it. There must be, on
the part of all, a very serious quest, the seriousness of
which is born of the desperateness of the situation: the
situation being that, unless we have this knowledge from
the Lord, unless we have life from the Lord, we are going
under in the battle, the enemy is going to gain. That is
the nature of those councils of war, those
‘conferences’, those meetings with our Supreme
Commander, to which we sometimes gather. They are just
that we may be equipped for our job—and our job is
fighting. Our object at all such meetings should be to
get equipment for our very life work, which is now on
A Wrong Mentality As To Others
Lastly, we come to
wrong ideas concerning the other personnel in the
Army—the other people in the Church. We have many
wrong ideas about one another. Some of them are hardly
worthy of mention. You know how easy it is to be
selective, to look at the other man or woman and write
them off as not counting for much, saying, ‘Now this
one, you know, this one counts for something, means
something; this one has got measure. But that other one,
well—no.’ Be very careful! That is dangerous.
Our kind of selectiveness, our judgment of people, may
sabotage the whole movement. And, after all, what about
ourselves? Where would you be, where would I be, if the
Lord had been very particular, very particular indeed,
to have the right measure and stature and quality? Where
would I be? where would you be? I know
where I would be: I would not be in this warfare or
ministry! I settled it with the Lord, long ago, that He
must provide all the qualifications to keep me in. But,
you see, He has to do that with the others as well, and
He can. We must be very careful about this matter.
We must be very careful, too, that we do not, as is
sometimes done, contemplate others as competitors and
rivals who are seeking to get an advantage over us. We
must not be ‘touchy’ about our own position and
our own rights and prerogatives; be very touchy and
explosive if someone else is put before us, or seems to
have been put in our place, given a favour, and so on. It
is a horrible thing to think of such an attitude amongst
Christians, but it can happen only too easily. By taking
personal offence, because of something that has been done
that seems to be placing us at a disadvantage, we can be
put out of the fight at once—put right out of the
battle! In such a situation, whether we judge it to be
right or wrong, our attitude must be this: ‘Lord, I
am Yours, I am Your man, I am in this
for You. Men can do what they like—put me
out, put others over my head; they can do what they like.
That is between You and me, Lord, and between You and
them.’ You see, if you allow yourself to take
offence, be hurt and grieved because of others, the enemy
can come in on that ground, and you will become a
casualty—you may as well be carried out on a
stretcher straight away! If you are going down in that
way you are no use to the fight. Be careful! Let us be
careful of our attitudes, of our mentality, when it
involves other people.
That could be enlarged upon, but we leave it there, with
just the reminder that a favourite manoeuvre of our enemy
is to get amongst us and make us look at one another and
misjudge one another, misinterpret one another, get us
mistrusting one another. And what is the good of an Army
like that—all looking at one another with questions
or suspicions or hurt feelings! What a state of mind! The
word is: “Casting down imaginations”—and,
if we only knew all the truth, we should discover that a
great deal of it is imagination; it is not real. We
should find that, after all, that was not meant, that was
not the implication at all; it was our
imagination—it was how it came to us and our
imagination got busy on it. And we are put out! Clever
manoeuvre of the enemy! The counter to that is found in
our passage: “our warfare... casting down
imaginations... and bringing every thought into captivity
to... Christ”. Do it now! Lay hold of those thoughts
that have done you injury and perhaps done someone else
injury. Lay hold of them! They will make you unfit for
battle; they will affect the whole issue; they will touch
others in the Army. There is a great deal of Scripture
behind that, if we like to call it up. Lay hold of those
thoughts and bring them into captivity to Christ. Make
sure that you are right, and, even if you are right, be
prepared to forgive, to be charitable, and at any rate
not to make a personal issue of it.
A Wrong Mentality As To Ourselves
How prone we are to
have wrong ideas about ourselves! Paul said: “I
say... to every man that is among you, not to think of
himself more highly than he ought to think” (Rom.
12:3a). What ought you to think of yourself, what ought I
to think of myself? In the light of God’s grace, of
God’s mercy, of God’s love, in the light of
God’s holiness, what ought we to think of ourselves?
“...Not to think of himself more highly than he
ought to think; but”, continues Paul, “so to
think as to think soberly, according as God hath
dealt to each man a measure of faith” (vs.
3b); that is, if we may take another word of Paul’s
out of its context, “according to the measure
of the gift of Christ” (Eph. 4:7). The measure of
our self-esteem will be in inverse proportion to the
measure of Christ that we have. How much of Christ have
we received? Well, if we have a superabundance of Christ,
if we have more of Christ than anyone else, we shall not
think highly of ourselves at all. The more we have of
Christ, the less we shall think of ourselves, the less we
shall want to talk about ourselves, the less we shall be
in view, the less we shall want to be in the limelight.
“Every man... not to think of himself more
highly...”. What ravages such a wrong mentality
could make in an Army! Just imagine what would happen if
men behaved like that —thinking more highly of
themselves than they ought to think, ‘throwing their
weight about’, as we say. No, that will not do; that
is only playing into the hands of the enemy. Our safety
lies in ‘thinking soberly’, according as each
of us has received of the measure of Christ. In this
great battle, it matters greatly what kind of mind we
have. “Have this mind in you, which was also in
Christ Jesus...” In an earlier chapter we have urged
that every one should realize that, in a related way, the
army depends upon the units: that the whole can suffer
through the weakness of the individual. Thus it works
both ways. We can overestimate our personal importance,
or we can underestimate our related significance. To
think of ourselves as we ought to think will mean that we
do not err in either direction: we shall recognize that
it does matter about us, but that it matters
relatively, and not just personally—that is,
In keeping with T. Austin-Sparks' wishes that what was freely received should be freely given and not sold for profit, and that his messages be reproduced word for word, we ask if you choose to share these messages with others, to please respect his wishes and offer them freely - free of any changes, free of any charge (except necessary distribution costs) and with this statement included.