by T. Austin-Sparks
Chapter 3 - Learning by Revelation
"In the visions
of God brought he me into the land of Israel, and set me
down upon a very high mountain, whereon was as it were
the frame of a city on the south. And he brought me
thither, and, behold, there was a man, whose appearance
was like the appearance of brass, with a line of flax in
his hand, and a measuring reed, and he stood in the gate.
And the man said unto me, Son of man, behold with thine
eyes, and hear with thine ears, and set thy heart upon
all that I shall show thee, for, to the intent that I may
show them unto thee, art thou brought hither: declare all
that thou seest to the house of Israel" (Eze
"Thou, son of man, show the house to the house of
Israel, that they may be ashamed of their iniquities, and
let them measure the pattern. And if they be ashamed of
all that they have done, make known unto them the form of
the house, and the fashion thereof, and the egresses
thereof, and the entrances thereof, and all the forms
thereof, and all the laws thereof; and write it in their
sight; that they may keep the whole form thereof, and all
the ordinances thereof, and do them" (Eze 43:10-11).
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was
with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the
beginning with God. All things were made through him; and
without him was not anything made that hath been made. In
him was life, and the life was the light of men"
(John 1:1-4).
"And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us (and
we beheld his glory, glory as of the only begotten from
the Father), full of grace and truth" (John 1:14).
"And he saith unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto
you, Ye shall see the heaven opened, and the angels of
God ascending and descending upon the Son of man"
(John 1:51).
We have observed that,
when the Divine thought as represented by the temple and
Jerusalem was forsaken and lost and the glory had
departed, Ezekiel was given and caused to write the
vision of a new heavenly house, a house in every detail
measured and defined from above. In the same way, when
the Church of New Testament times had lost its purity and
truth and power, and its heavenly character and order,
and the primal glory of those early New Testament days
was departing, then John was caused by the Spirit to
bring into view the new, wonderful, heavenly, spiritual
presentation, the person of the Lord Jesus; that new
heavenly presentation of Christ which we have in John's
Gospel, his letters, and the Revelation: and we must
remember that the Gospel written by John is, in point of
time, practically the last writing of the New Testament.
Perhaps the real significance of this has not fallen upon
us with due power and impressiveness. We take up the
Gospels as we have them in the New Testament arrangement
of books, and immediately we are put by them back into
the days of our Lord's life on the earth, and from the
standpoint of time that is where we are when reading the
Gospels. For us, all the rest of the New Testament has
yet to be when we are in the Gospels, both as to the
writings and the history which followed, all is in
prospect. That of course is almost inevitable, perhaps
almost unavoidable; but we must try to extricate
ourselves from that position.
Why was the Gospel of John written? Was it written just
as a record of the life of the Lord Jesus here on earth
to go alongside of two or three other records, that there
might be a history of the earthly life of the Lord Jesus
preserved? Is that it? That is practically the sole
result for a great many. The Gospels are read with a view
to studying the life of Jesus while He was on the earth.
That may be very good, but I do want to emphasize very
strongly that this is not the Holy Spirit's primary
intention in inspiring the writing of those Gospels. And
this is particularly seen in the case of John's Gospel,
written so long after everything else, right at the end
of everything; for when John wrote his final writings,
the other apostles were in glory. John's Gospel was
written when the New Testament Church, as we have said,
had lost its original form and power and spiritual life,
its heavenly character and Divine order; written in the
midst of such conditions as are outlined in the messages
to the churches in Asia at the beginning of the
Apocalypse, and that can be so clearly inferred from his
What was the object in view? Well, just this: as John
writes, things are not as they were, not as God meant
them to be; they no longer represent God's thought in and
for His people. The order, the heavenly order, has broken
down and is breaking down yet more. The heavenly nature
has been forfeited and an earthly thing is taking shape
in Christianity; the true life is being lost and the
glory is departing. To that situation God reacts with a
new presentation of His Son in a heavenly and spiritual
way; for the features or characteristics of John are
heavenliness and spirituality. Is that not true? Oh yes,
here is a new bringing into view of His Son. But what a
bringing into view! Not just and only as Jesus of
Nazareth, but as the Son of Man, Son of God; God revealed
and manifested in man, out from eternity with all the
fullness of Divine essence, that His people might see.
So we must get to the Holy Spirit's standpoint in the
Gospel by John, and in his other writings, and just see
this, that God's way of recovery, when His full and
original thought has been lost and that heavenly
revelation has departed, and the heavenly glory has been
withdrawn, is to bring His Son anew into view; not to
bring you back to the technique of the Church or the
Gospel or the doctrine, but to bring His Son into view,
to bring Christ again in the tremendousness of His
heavenly and spiritual meaning before the heart-eyes of
His people. That is the answer that is found in John to
these conditions that we meet with in the New Testament,
which so plainly shows that the Church was losing its
heavenly position, and all sorts of things were coming
in, and the whole thing was becoming earthly. What will
God do? In what way will He save His purpose which seems
to be so dangerously near being lost? He will bring His
Son into view again. Remember God's answer is always in
His Son to every movement. Whether that movement be in
the world as it heads up to Antichrist (God's answer to
Antichrist will be Christ in the full blaze of His Divine
glory), or whether it be in the Church in declension and
apostasy, God's answer will be in His Son.
That is the meaning of the opening words of the book of
the Revelation. The Church has lost her place, the glory
has departed, but God breaks in with a presentation of
His Son.
"I am . . . the Living one, and I became dead,
and behold, I am alive unto the ages of the ages, and I
have the keys of death and of Hades."
Christ is presented, and then everything is measured and
judged in the light of that heavenly Man with the
measuring reed in His hand. That is enough really, if we
only saw that, and grasped it. Everything for God and for
us is bound up with a heart-revelation of the Lord Jesus.
Oh, it will not be, as I have said, in trying to recover
the New Testament technique. It will not be in a
restoration of New Testament order. It will not even be
in the re-affirmation of New Testament truth and
doctrine. These are things, and they can be used to form
a framework, but they can never guarantee the life, the
power, the glory. There are plenty here in this earth who
have the New Testament doctrine and technique and order,
but it is a cold, dead framework. The life, the glory, is
not there; the rapture is not there. No, God's way of the
glory is in His Son: God's way of the life is in His Son:
God's way of the power is in His Son: God's way of the
heavenly nature is in His Son. And that is John's Gospel
in a few words, what God is there saying. It is all in
the Son, and the need, the only need, is to see the Son,
and if you see the Son by God's act of opening the eyes,
then the rest will follow. That is John's Gospel again.
"How opened he thine eyes?" Who did this? How
did He do it? The man's response or reaction to the
interrogation was this, in effect, You are asking me for
the technique of things; I am not able to give you the
technique, I am not able to explain this thing, but I
have the reality, and that is the thing that matters.
"One thing I know that, whereas I was blind, now I
see." It is the light by the life. "In him was
life and the life was the light . . ."
We do not want to be able just to give the technique of
truth, and expound and define it all. That is not the
first thing. The first thing is, the life produces the
light and that is in the revelation of the Son: and if I
must bring everything to a condensation it is
this—firstly, God has shut up everything of Himself
within His Son, and it is not possible now to know or
have anything of God outside of the Lord Jesus, His Son.
God has made this a settled thing; it is final, it is
Secondly, it is not
possible to have or know anything of all the fullness
which God has shut up in His Son without the Holy
Spirit's revelation of that in an inward way. It has to
be a miracle wrought by the Holy Spirit within every man
and woman if they are to know anything of what God has
shut up in Christ. That again summarizes John's Gospel,
for there at the centre is a man born blind. He never has
seen. It is not a case of restoration with him, it is a
giving of sight. It is the first thing. It is going to be
an absolutely new world for that man. Whatever he may
have surmised or guessed or imagined, or had described to
him, actual seeing is going to be something with a new
beginning. It is going to be an absolute miracle,
producing an absolutely new world, and all his guesses of
what that world contained and was like will prove to have
been very inadequate when he actually sees. Nothing is
going to be seen save by the miracle wrought within.
(1) God has shut up everything of Himself in His Son.
(2) No one can know anything of that save as it is
revealed. "No one knoweth the Son, save the
Father, neither doth any know the Father, save the Son,
and he to whomsoever the Son willeth to reveal him"
(Matt 11:27). Revelation can only come by choice of the
The third thing is this.
God always keeps the revelation of Himself in Christ
bound up with practical situations. I want you to get
that. God always keeps the revelation of Himself in
Christ bound up with practical situations. You and I can
never get revelation other than in connection with some
necessity. We cannot get it simply as a matter of
information. That is information, that is not revelation.
We cannot get it by studying. When the Lord gave the
manna in the wilderness (type of Christ as the bread from
heaven) He stipulated very strongly that not one fragment
more than the day's need was to be gathered, and that if
they went beyond the measure of immediate need, disease
and death would break out and overtake them. The
principle, the law, of the manna, is that God keeps
revelation of Himself in Christ bound up with practical
situations of necessity, and we are not going to have
revelation as mere teaching, doctrine, interpretation,
theory, or anything as a thing, which means that God is
going to put you and me into situations where only the
revelation of Christ can help us and save us.
You notice that the Apostles got their revelation for the
Church in practical situations. They never met around a
table to have a Round-Table Conference, to draw up a
scheme of doctrine and practice for the churches. They
went out into the business and came right up against the
desperate situation, and in the situation which pressed
them, oft-times to desperation, they had to get before
God and get revelation. The New Testament is the most
practical book, because it was born out of pressing
situations. The Lord gave light for a situation. The
revelation of Christ, we might say, in emergencies is the
way to keep Christ alive, and the only way in which
Christ really does live to His own. You understand what I
Now then, that is why the Lord would keep us in
situations which are acute, real. The Lord is against our
getting out on theoretical lines with truth, out on
technical lines. Oh, let us shun technique as a thing in
itself and recognize this, that, although the New
Testament has in it a technique, we cannot merely extract
the technique and apply it. We have to come into New
Testament situations to get a revelation of Christ to
meet that situation. So that the Holy Spirit's way with
us is to bring us into living, actual conditions and
situations, and needs, in which only some fresh knowledge
of the Lord Jesus can be our deliverance, our salvation,
our life, and then to give us, not a revelation of truth,
but a revelation of the Person, new knowledge of the
Person, that we come to see Christ in some way that just
meets our need. We are not drawing upon an 'it', but upon
a 'Him'.
He is the Word. "In
the beginning was the Word", and the meaning of that
designation is just this, that God has made Himself
intelligible to us in a Person, not in a book. God has
not first of all written a book, although we have the
Bible. God has written a Person. In one of his little
booklets, Dr. A. B. Simpson has this illustration, or
illustrates this thing in this way. He says that on one
occasion he saw the Constitution of the United States
written, and it was written on a parchment. He was near
to it, and could read all the details of the Constitution
of the United States. But as he stood back from that
parchment, some yards off, all he could see was the head
of George Washington there on the parchment. Then he drew
near again and saw the Constitution was so written in
light and shadow as to take the shape of the head of
George Washington. That is it. God has written the
revelation of Himself, but it is in the Person of His
Son, the Headship of the Lord Jesus, and you cannot have
the constitution of heaven, except in the Person, and the
constitution of heaven is the Person in the shape of
God's Son.
This is only an affirmation of things. I do trust you
will take hold of the fact stated and go to the Lord with
this. Do not ask for light as some thing; ask for a
fuller knowledge of the Lord Jesus. That is the way, for
that is the only living way to know Him: and remember God
always keeps the knowledge of Himself in Christ bound up
with practical situations. That cuts both ways. We have
to be in the situation. The Holy Spirit will bring us, if
we are in His hand, into the situation which will make
necessary a new knowledge of the Lord. That is one side.
The other side is that, if we are in a situation which is
a very hard and a very difficult one, we are in the very
position to ask for a revelation of the Lord.
In keeping with T. Austin-Sparks' wishes that what was freely received should be freely given and not sold for profit, and that his messages be reproduced word for word, we ask if you choose to share these messages with others, to please respect his wishes and offer them freely - free of any changes, free of any charge (except necessary distribution costs) and with this statement included.