by T. Austin-Sparks
Chapter 1 - The Foundation of Spiritual Education
Reading: Eze 40:2-4; 43:10-11; Matt 3:17; 11:25-30; John 1:51; Luke 9:23; Eph 4:20-21.
The basic word out of
those read, for our present purpose, is Matthew
11:29—"Take my yoke upon you, and learn of
Learn of me. The Apostle Paul, in a slightly different
form of words, gives us what the Lord Jesus
meant—"Ye did not so learn Christ"
(Eph 4:20).
Leaving out one very little word makes all the difference
and gives the true sense. The Lord Jesus, while He was
here, could only put it in an objective way, for the
subjective time had not arrived: and so He had to say,
'Learn of me'. When the subjective time came, the Holy
Spirit would lead the apostle to leave out the 'of', and
say 'learn Christ'.
I am quite sure that many of you will immediately discern
that is just the flaw in a very great deal of popular
Christianity today—a kind of objective imitation of
Jesus which gets nowhere, rather than the subjective
learning Jesus which gets everywhere.
So for this little while we are to be occupied with the
School of Christ, into which school He brought the
twelve, whom He chose "that they might be with him
and that he might send them forth" (Mark 3:14). They
were first of all called disciples, which simply means
they came under discipline. Before ever we can be
apostles, that is, sent ones, we have to come under
discipline, to be disciples, to be taught ones, and that
in an inward way. It is into this school that every one
who is born from above is brought, and it is very
important that we should know the nature of it, what it
is that we are going to learn, and the principles of our
spiritual education.
Coming into this school,
the very first thing that the Holy Spirit, the great
Teacher and Interpreter, does for us, if we are truly
brought under His hand, is to show us in a comprehensive
way what it is that we have to learn, to present to us
the great object of our education. We read those passages
in Ezekiel which I think have a great bearing upon this
matter. In a day when the true expression of God's
thought in the midst of his people had been lost and
God's people were out of immediate touch with Divine
thoughts, away in that far country, the Spirit of God
laid His hand upon the prophet and took him in the Spirit
in the visions of God back to Jerusalem, and set him upon
a high mountain, and gave him that presentation of a new
temple, forth from which would flow a river of life to
the ends of the earth. Then He followed this up by going
into the whole thing in the most minute detail, and later
instructed the prophet to show the house to the house of
Israel with a view to bringing about a recovery of
spiritual life in conformity to that great comprehensive
and detailed revelation of God's thought, that they
should first of all be ashamed.
It is a much disputed matter whether the temple of
Ezekiel will yet literally be set up on the earth. We
will not argue about that, but of this one thing we need
have no question, that all that Ezekiel saw has its
spiritual counterpart and fulfillment in the Church which
is His Body; spiritually it is all in Christ. And God's
method with His people, in order to secure a full
expression of His thought, is first of all to present the
perfect Object: and this He did when at the Jordan He
rent the heavens and said, "This is my beloved Son
in whom I am well pleased". He presented and
attested that which was the full, comprehensive and
detailed expression of His thought for His people. The
Apostle Paul, in words familiar to us, expressly voices
the fact,
"Whom he foreknew, he also foreordained to be
conformed to the image of his Son" (Rom 8:29).
"This is my beloved Son in whom I am well
pleased" —"Conformed to the image of his
Son". There is the presentation and the
attestation and the declaration of Divine purpose in
relation to Him. Therefore I repeat, the Holy Spirit's
first object is to acquaint us with what is in view in
our spiritual education; namely, that He is to reveal
Christ in us and then afterward to get to work to conform
us to Christ. To learn Christ we must first see Christ.
The mark of a life
governed by the Holy Spirit is that such a life is
continually and ever more and more occupied with Christ,
that Christ is becoming greater and greater as time goes
on. The effect of the Holy Spirit's work in us is to
bring us to the shore of a mighty ocean which reaches
far, far beyond our range, and concerning which we
feel—Oh, the depths, the fullness, of Christ! If we
live as long as ever man lived, we shall still be only on
the fringe of this vast fullness that Christ is.
Now, that at once becomes a challenge to us before we go
any further. These are not just words. This is not just
rhetoric; this is truth. Let us ask our hearts at once,
Is this true in our case? Is this the kind of life that
we know? Are we coming to despair on this matter? That is
to say, that we are glimpsing so much as signified by
Christ that we know we are beaten, that we are out of our
depth, and will never range all this. It is beyond us,
far beyond us, and yet we are drawn on and ever on. Is
that true in your experience? That is the mark of a life
governed by the Holy Spirit. Christ becomes greater and
greater as we go on. If that is true, well, that is the
way of life. If ever you and I should come to a place
where we think we know, we have it all, we have attained,
and from that point things become static, we may take it
that the Holy Spirit has ceased operations and that life
has become stultified.
Let us take the example of one who is given to us, I
believe, as amongst men, for this very purpose of showing
forth God's ways, the Apostle Paul. The words which he
uses to define and express what happened to him right at
the commencement are these: "It pleased God . .
. to reveal his Son in me" (Gal 1:16). Now,
that man did a very great deal of teaching and preaching.
He put out a great deal. He had a long and very full
life, not only in the amount that he put out, but in the
concentrated essence which has defeated all the attempts
to fathom. At the end of that long life, that full life,
that man who said concerning its commencement, "It
pleased God . . . to reveal his Son in me", is
crying from his heart this cry, "that I may know
him" (Phil 3:10); indicating surely that with the
great initial revelation and all the subsequent and
continual unveilings, even being caught up into the third
heaven and shown unspeakable things, with all that, at
the end he knows nothing compared with what there is to
be known. That I may know Him! That is the essence of a
life governed by the Holy Spirit, and it is that which
will deliver us from death, from stagnation, from coming
to a standstill. It is the work of the Spirit in the
School of Christ to present and to keep in view Christ in
His greatness. So God, right at the beginning, brings
Christ forth, presents Him, attests Him, and in effect
says, This is that to which I will to conform you, to
this image!
Yes, but then, having the presentation, the basic lessons
begin. The Holy Spirit is not satisfied with just giving
us a great presentation: He is going to begin real work
in relation to that presentation, and we are, under His
hand, brought to two or three basic things in our
spiritual education.
My aim, in co-operation
with the Lord, is to make everything pre-eminently
practical; and so we apply the challenge immediately, and
I ask you, Is the Holy Spirit within you presenting God's
fullness in His Son in an ever-growing way? Is that the
nature of your spiritual life? If not, then you must have
some definite exercise before the Lord about it; there is
something wrong. The anointing means that, and if that is
not the nature of your spiritual life, there is something
wrong in your case in relation to the anointing. To
Nathanael the Lord Jesus said, "Henceforth"
(our old English word is 'hereafter', but I think many
people have mistakenly thought that means the 'after
life') "ye shall see the heaven opened, and the
angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of
man." Hereafter, of course, was the immediate
hereafter, the days of the Holy Spirit which were coming
so soon. With an open heaven you see, and you see God's
meaning concerning His Son.
That open heaven for the Lord Jesus was the anointing.
The Spirit descended and lighted upon Him. It was the
anointing, and it is the same for us. The open heaven is
the anointing of the Spirit from the day of Pentecost
onward upon Christ within us. That open heaven means a
continually growing revelation of Christ.
Oh, let me urge this. I am brought back to urge this. We
must not just add other things too soon, but make sure
that we are right on these matters. The open heaven at
once brings God's revelation in Christ to your very door,
makes it available to you, so that you are not dependent
in the first place upon libraries, books, addresses or
anything else. It is there for you. However much the Lord
may see good to use these other things for your help and
enrichment, you have your own open heaven, your own clear
way through, and no closed dome over your head. The Lord
Jesus is becoming more and ever more wonderful in your
own heart, because "God, that said, Light shall
shine out of darkness" hath "shined in our
hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory
of God in the face of Jesus Christ" (2 Cor 4:6).
That being true—and
if it is not, perhaps you must just suspend things there
until you have had dealings with the Lord—that being
true, the Holy Spirit gets to work on that, as I said, to
make two or three other things very real to us, the first
of which is the altogether 'other-ness' of Christ. How
altogether other He is from ourselves. Taking the
disciples who went into His school—it was not the
School of the Holy Spirit in the same sense as ours is,
but the result of their association with the Lord Jesus
during those three or three and a half years was just the
same—the first thing they learned was how other He
was from themselves. They had to learn it. I do not think
it came to them at the first moment. It was as they went
on that they found themselves again and again clashing
with His thoughts, His mind, His ways. They would urge
Him to take a certain course, to do certain things, to go
to certain places; they would seek to bring to bear upon
Him their own judgments and their own feelings and their
own ideas. But He would have none of it. At the marriage
feast in Cana of Galilee, His own mother, with an idea,
said, They have no wine. His reply was, "Woman, what
have I to do with thee? mine hour is not yet come."
What have I to do with thee? That is a weak translation.
Far better, 'Woman, you and I are thinking in different
realms; we have at the moment nothing in common.' Thus
throughout their lives they sought to impinge upon Him
with their mentality. No, all the time He was putting
them back and showing them how different were His
thoughts, His ways, His ideas, His judgments; altogether
different. In the end I expect they despaired. He might
well have despaired of them had He not known that this
was exactly what he was doing in them. Catch that and you
have got something helpful. 'Lord, why is it that I am
always caught out, always making a blunder? Somehow or
other, I always say and do the wrong thing, I am always
on the wrong side! Somehow I never seem to come right in
line with You; I despair of ever being right!' And the
Lord says, 'I am teaching you, that is all; deliberately,
quite deliberately. That is exactly what I am bringing
you to see. Until you learn that lesson, we shall get
nowhere at all. When you have thoroughly learned that
lesson, then we can begin constructive work, but at
present it is necessary for you to come to the place
where you recognize I am altogether other than you are.
The difference is such that we move in two altogether
opposite worlds.'
This ordinary mind of man, at its best, is another mind.
This will of man, at its best, is another will. You never
do know what lies behind your motives until the Holy
Ghost cleaves right down to the depths of your being and
shows you. You may put your feelings and desires into the
most devout terms. You may, like Peter, react to a Divine
suggestion, "If I wash thee not, thou hast no part
with me", and say, "Not my feet only, but also
my hands and my head"; but it is only self coming up
again—my blessing. I want the blessing, and
so miss the whole point the Master is trying to teach. 'I
am trying to teach you self-emptying.' He might have
said, 'and you are laying hold of every suggestion of
mine for self-filling, to get; and I am trying to say,
Give, let go!' This self comes up in the most spiritual
(?) way. Self comes up for spiritual blessing. We do not
know what lies behind. We have to come into a very severe
school of the Spirit which eventuates in our coming to
discover that our best intentions are defiled, our purest
motives are unclean before those eyes; things that we
intended to be for God, somewhere at their spring is
self. We cannot produce from this nature anything
acceptable to God. All that can ever come to God is in
Christ alone, not in us. It never will, in this life, be
in us as ours. It will always be the difference between
Christ and ourselves. Though He be resident within us, He
and He only is the object of the Divine good pleasure and
satisfaction, and the one basic lesson you and I have to
learn in this
life, under the Holy Spirit's tuition and revelation and
discipline, is that He is other than we are: and that
'other-ness' is indeed an utter thing. That is one of the
hard lessons.
It is certainly one that this world will refuse to learn.
It will not have that. That runs directly counter to the
whole system of the teaching of humanism—the
wonderful thing that man is! Oh no, when you have come to
your best, there is a gulf between you and the beginnings
of Christ that cannot be bridged. If you attain your
best, you have not commenced Christ. That is utter, but
we perhaps hardly need that emphasis. Most of us have
learned something.
But let us, while we know this in experience, take the
comfort which comes perhaps from being told again exactly
what is happening. What is the Lord doing, what is the
Holy Spirit doing, with us? Well, as a basic thing, He is
making us to know that we are one thing and Christ
another. That is the most important lesson to learn, for
there can be nothing constructive until we have learned
it. The first thing, therefore, is the altogether
'other-ness' of Christ as over against ourselves.
Then, secondly, the Holy Spirit brings us face to face with the utter impossibility of our ever being that of ourselves. You see, God has set up a standard, God has presented His model, God has given us His object for our conformity and the next thing we come up against is the utter impossibility of being that. Yes, of ourselves it cannot be. Have you not learned that lesson of despair yet? Is it necessary for the Holy Spirit to make you despair again? Why not have one good despair and get it all over? Why despair every few days? Only because you are still hunting round for something somewhere, some rag of goodness in yourself that you can present to God that will please Him, satisfy Him and answer to His requirements. You will never find it. Settle it that "all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags". Our righteousness, all that trying to be so righteous, the Lord says of it all, "Filthy rags!" Let us settle this once for all. If you are looking ahead of what I am saying, you will see what it is leading to. It is leading to the most glorious position. It is leading to that glorious issue mentioned by the Lord Jesus in this way, in those days before things became inward: "Learn of me . . . and ye shall find rest unto your souls." That is the end. But we shall never find rest unto our souls until we have first of all learned the utter difference between Christ and ourselves, and then the utter impossibility of our ever being like Him by anything that we can find in ourselves, produce or do. It is not in us, in ourselves, in that way. So we had better despair our last despair with regard to ourselves. Those two things are basic.
But then the next thing
the Holy Spirit will do will be to begin to show us how
it is accomplished. We are not going to start on that
just now, but stay with the fact that the Holy Spirit can
do nothing until these other things are settled. Oh, God
is very jealous for His Son. His Son has gone right
through the fires over this matter, having accepted
manform and a life of dependence, having voluntarily
emptied Himself of that which meant that at any moment He
could of Himself work by Deity for His own deliverance,
salvation, provision, preservation; having emptied
Himself of that right and said, I let go all My rights
and prerogatives and powers of Deity for the time being
and I accept man's position of utter dependence upon God
as My Father; I meet all that man ever has to meet on
man's level! * He met it in every realm in its
concentrated form and force and went through without a
flaw as man for man, and went back to the throne on the
merit of a complete triumph over every force that ever
man has to encounter in satisfying God. Do you think that
after that God is ever going to forgo His Son, and all
that He wrought in man's behalf, and say, Only be at your
best and that will satisfy Me? Oh, what blindness to
Christ, to God, is this Christianity that is popular
today! No, there is only One in this universe concerning
whom God can say from His heart "in whom I am well
pleased", and that is the Lord Jesus Christ. If ever
you and I are going to come into that favour, it will be
as "in Christ Jesus", never in ourselves.
When that is learned, or when that part of the education
has been taken up, then it is that the Holy Spirit can
begin the work of conformity to the image of God's Son.
Well, we have seen lessons one and two in the case of the
disciples. Through the months and years, they came to see
how altogether different He was from themselves, and then
came to the place of despair on that very matter as the
Lord intended it should be. He foresaw it all. He could
not hinder it, He could not save them, He had to allow
them to go that way; and right at the end when they were
making their loudest protestations about their loyalty,
their faithfulness, their endurance, and what they were
going to do when put to the test, He said to them all,
"Do ye now believe? Behold, the hour cometh, yea, is
come, that ye shall be scattered, every man to his own,
and shall leave me alone" (John 16:31-32). And to
one in particular He said, "The cock shall not crow
till thou hast denied me thrice" (John 13:38). What
do you think those men felt when He was crucified, and
they had all run away, and left Him alone, and the one
had denied Him? Do you not think dark despair entered
into their souls, not only over their lost prospects and
expectations, but despair over themselves. Yes, and He
had to allow it. He could take no step to prevent it; it
was necessary. And you and I will go the same way if we
are in the same school. It is essential. No constructive
work can be done until that has got advanced within us.
Well, that sounds terrible, but that ought to be
encouraging! After all, it is all constructive in a way.
What is the Lord doing with me? He is preparing a way for
His Son, He is clearing the ground for bringing in the
fullness of Christ. That is what He is doing. He did it
with them, and Pentecost and afterward was His answer to
what happened on the day when He was delivered up, to all
that happened with them. You say, Then He commenced His
constructive work. Yes, He did; after the Cross and
Pentecost, things began to change in an inward way, and
from that time you begin to see that Christ is now
manifested in a growing way in these men. They may have a
long way to go, but you cannot fail to see that the
foundation is laid, the commencement has been made. There
is a difference, and the difference is not that they are
necessarily changed men so much, as that Christ is now
within them transcending what they are by nature. It is
not that they become so much better, but it is that
Christ within becomes so much more real as a power.
That is all for the moment. Let us bow our hearts today,
yield today. It is the School of Christ. I know how
challenging it is, challenging to this old man who dies
very hard, yields with great difficulty. All our
training, teaching, perhaps has been other than this. We
have come into this horrible heritage of humanism—to
be the best that I can be, to be my best! Well, you must
take what I am saying in the sense in which I am saying
it. No one is going to think that you can go and just be
careless, slovenly, at your worst or less than your best,
simply because of what I have said; but you know what I
am talking about. At our best we can never pass across
that gap between man and Jesus Christ. No, that gap
remains, and the only way to get over is to die and to be
raised from the dead; but that, for the moment, is
another matter.
* FOOTNOTE: This does not mean that He emptied Himself of Deity, but of its rights for the time being.
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