by T. Austin-Sparks
Chapter 4 - The Local Expression of the Church
Before leaving our consideration of the Church, I
feel strongly that I should say a few things of vital
importance as to a true local expression of the Church. I
know only too well how difficult it is to find or secure
any such TRUE expression, but that is no reason
why we should abandon the whole matter: rather is it a
pointer to its value, for history and experience have
shown that this is one thing that is of very great
account where the adversary of Christ is concerned. To
prevent or destroy such expressions has always been a
major concern of the powers of evil. The true Church,
universal and local, is a very great menace to the
kingdom of Satan. This we have emphasised in earlier
chapters. But let us summarise:
(1) The importance of the Church in local expressions
We must first remind ourselves that a solid block of the
New Testament was written specifically to local churches;
which churches had been the first result of apostolic
ministry. That ministry, and all the suffering involved,
had been vindicated in local corporate bodies of
believers. It was for those churches that the apostles
travailed, laboured, prayed and fought. The bulk of the
New Testament had its supreme concern for such assemblies
which, themselves, had known great sufferings in their
very birth, and were in "a great fight of
affliction" for their continuance and survival.
Then we must remember that the Lord's own personal
concern for, and evaluation of local churches is made
very evident by His direct messages to the seven churches
in Asia with which the book of finalities (Revelation)
commences. There is no mistaking the importance to the
exalted Lord of local churches when we read those
messages, the focal point of which is a clause in one of
them "These things saith the Son of God." The
Psalmist would say: "Selah" - "think of
(2) This importance is to be seen in the specific
values of a local assembly, when rightly functioning
(a) Here the principle that "No man liveth
unto himself, and no man dieth unto himself" (Romans
14:7) is enunciated in relation to the local church in
the messages to the churches in Asia. It is said of the
church in Ephesus that through them "all they which
be in Asia heard the word of the Lord" (Acts 19:10 -
see 1 Thessalonians 1:8). It should be impossible for a
local assembly of God's people to exist without it being
known over an area far greater than its own locality. A
living company will, sooner or later, be known abroad for
what it has of the Lord.
(b) To enlarge on this, a local church should
have, not only enough spiritual bread for itself, but
basketfulls over to spare, and many beyond its borders
should be receiving enrichment from its spiritual wealth.
Is this not so very evident in history? Have not the
Lord's people been feeding down the ages unto this day
upon the bread ministered to and through those New
Testament churches? Is it not true that multitudes have
been fed, and are still being fed by the food ministered
in local churches in many places in the last century? So
the Lord would have it. The church which only ministers
to itself and does not do so to the Church at large is
committing a sin against the trust of life; it is a
cul-de-sac, not a highway. Of course, it is particularly
important that the ministry in a local church is truly
anointed ministry. Not by man's appointment, selection or
decision from either side. Not by studied-up and made-up
addresses, but by illumination and inspiration as through
an open heaven. Not just keeping something going as a MUST,
but by revelation of Jesus Christ. It must be evident to
all that those leading and ministering are under a
genuine burden from the Lord, and the evidence is LIFE!
(c) The local church should, and can be a refuge,
a covering, a protection to its own members. One of
Satan's master-tactics is to isolate believers and then
knock them out. This can be done by unwise and
independent action, choices, movements, uncounselled
decisions. The church by its prayers, and counsel, and
fellowship is a Divine provision against the tragedies
which lie in the way of independence and isolation.
Cooperation and coordination in the physical body are a
provision and a law against many diseases. So it is in
the spiritual body corporate.
(d) The local church should provide personal
ministries to the Lord's people, and to the unsaved near
and far, and it should provide an encompassing safeguard
and support for the fulfilment of such ministries. Those
who go forth in the church's ministry should know that
they are being upheld and stood with by those from
amongst whom they have gone. Indeed, they should go as
sent forth by the church!
The lack and absence of these characteristics in local
companies is the cause of much weakness in the Church
(e) Finally, a local church rightly functioning is
a wonderful provision for the training of its members for
service. Training is so largely a matter of being able to
work corporately. How to live and work with others, and
to sink individualism into fellowship, is a real part of
the discipline which makes a fruitful ministry!
There is a real danger in departmentalism; the separation
into isolated groups, so that these groups do not come
into the corporate life and function of the church. It is
possible to have groups associated with a local church
which really have no true CHURCH life. This means
weakness and loss. Moreover, the local church should be
its own Bible School, for systematic instruction in the
Word of God.
Careful reading of the Bible, especially the New
Testament, will show that what we have said above is all
there as exhortation, admonition, warning, instruction,
and example.
Were I to add one more vital and ALL-INCLUSIVE
thing, I would say that the absolute essential to such
churches is a real work of the Cross in everyone
In keeping with T. Austin-Sparks' wishes that what was freely received should be freely given and not sold for profit, and that his messages be reproduced word for word, we ask if you choose to share these messages with others, to please respect his wishes and offer them freely - free of any changes, free of any charge (except necessary distribution costs) and with this statement included.