T. Austin-Sparks
"Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so on earth"
(Matt. 6:10).
You see the setting - "After this manner therefore pray ye: Our
Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done, as in heaven, so on earth".
The verse itself, with its setting, brings three very simple things
into view.
A Heavenly Order
The first is that there is a standard of things in heaven. "As in
heaven". There is a mind about things in heaven, in heaven there is
a way of doing things. It was not without knowledge, and firsthand
knowledge, that the Lord Jesus used these words "as in heaven". He
knew what things are like in heaven, how things are done in heaven,
how those in heaven think about things, what their standard of
things is. There is a heavenly order, a heavenly standard, a
heavenly mind, a heavenly way.
Prayer for its Expression on Earth
The second thing is that He made it a matter for prayer that things
in heaven should have an expression on the earth, that as things are
they might be expressed here on earth. "Pray ye... Thy will be done, as in heaven, so on earth". He
said that was something to pray about. This is not just a formal
prayer used repeatedly. He was giving in fragments great Divine
principles, whole ranges of Divine meaning. He did not say, "Pray
this prayer". "After this manner... in accordance with these great
principles, pray", and among them, pray that as things are in heaven
so they may be expressed on the earth.
A Family Matter
The third thing is that this is a family matter. It is a very
discriminating matter. "Our
Father, who art in heaven". "Our
Father" - and that was said strictly to those of that intimate
circle who asked Him to instruct them in the matter of prayer, who
were enquiring, whose hearts were seeking to know the secret of
fellowship with God, communion with God, how to come into touch with
God. "
Our Father". He is not the Father of all. The same Lord
Jesus taught most definitely that He is only the Father of those who
are born from above. "Ye must be born anew" (John 3:7), He said.
Literally the words were: Ye must be born from above. On another
occasion He said, "...that ye may be sons of your Father who is in
heaven (Matt. 5:45), and that was made absolutely conditional. The
"sons of your Father who is in heaven" demands a new relationship by
new birth. You need not, most of you, that I say that, but it brings
in this family factor and element very strongly. "Our Father". It is
corporate, but it is corporate within a compass. "Give us... forgive
us our...". This is the family praying, this is a heavenly family
praying, a heavenly family of those born anew.
Those are the three things that come clearly out of this verse - a
heavenly order, prayer for its expression and reproduction here, and
that within - within the compass of born-again children of God,
those begotten of God, born of His Spirit, who know definitely the
crisis and the revolution of new birth.
The Heavenly Order Altogether Different from
the Earthly Order
The application of this is far-reaching, and much beyond our time
and ability to compass now, but this does mean that the heavenly
order is another world altogether different from this. Yes, heavenly
order, heavenly-mindedness, heavenly ways, heavenly standards, are
so utterly different from those here that men know nothing about
them and do not understand. It is far greater even than going into
what we call foreign lands and taking up that land as the land of
our adoption. That means enough changes of mentality and conduct and
standards. We know that.
When I was recently in India, and there two years ago, I found
plenty of things where I had to watch my p's and q's. I knew that I
could give great offence by just passing something to someone else
with the left hand because it is an insult to a Hindu to pass on
something with the left hand, or to do anything with the left hand
where they are concerned. And so many of you here know from other
countries where you have lived how far-reaching is that law of a
changed mentality, changed habits, changed customs, changed ways. An
entirely different order of things which naturally you do not
understand and into which you have to grow, to learn, and very often
learn by how you suffer, through the mistakes you make. You find
yourself not able to get their point of view. Until you do,
everything is in a state of suspense, it does not flow easily. But
it is very much more like that in this matter of a heavenly order.
We might learn from books as to the earthly nations and their
customs, we might get it by advice from other people, but you cannot
do that where the heavenly order is concerned. You do not even come
into the heavenly order by reading the Bible, certainly not by
listening to sermons. You can only come into it in one way.
I want to emphasise the utterly different conception of things which
obtains in heaven. Their standards are so altogether different from
ours, ways of looking at things, and yet the Lord Jesus goes as far
as to say that that mind should come down here, that mentality
should be expressed here, those standards should be established
here. That is the matter He says we should pray about and the Lord
has provided a way in which that could be done. We do not often see
it now, I do not know whether it obtains now, but I remember years
ago in my younger days a thing which was not an unfamiliar sight on
the streets of London. You would see a coal merchant on the streets
selling coal from house to house with his sacks of coal, and then
suddenly as from nowhere, round the corner, there drew up a little
van all covered in. It came alongside of the coal merchant, the
driver got out and went round to the back, threw open the little
van, and there was a pair of scales, and the weights were government
weights. They tallied exactly with the standard in the Government
department of Weights and Measures. The merchant was ordered to put
his bag of coal on the scale, and woe betide him if he had weights
of his own, if he had set up his own idea. People do that usually
for personal ends and gains and to get advantage over unknowing
people who have not a government standard weight to go by. Woe
betide the merchant if he did not conform in his weights and
measures to the government standard. That little van was, to all
intents and purposes, the government house, and it was a heavy fine
or imprisonment that would be the punishment for infringing the standard.
The Lord Jesus the Heavenly Standard
The Lord has come down here. He is the heavenly standard, He is the
governing weight and measure of God's thought. You can only know the
Lord Jesus by revelation of the Holy Spirit. He is not someone to be
imitated from without. He is to be known only as the Spirit of God
shows us. He was here, but they did not understand why He did this
and that and refused to do this and that. An accepted thing among
religious people, and yet He would not have it, He would not go when
they wanted Him to go, and they did not understand. He was actuated
by another mind altogether, not the common religious mind of this
earth, but the heavenly mind. Later when people did come to
understand Him by revelation of the Holy Spirit, you have a big
transformation. They were people who were not understood by this
world, and yet what a heavenly kind of thing it was, how actuated by
heavenly thoughts and conceptions, heavenly weights and measures,
heavenly standards.
The Prayer Answered by the Revelation of
Christ in our Hearts
He has come, and the Holy Spirit has now come to reveal the Lord
Jesus in order that the answer to the prayer, "as in heaven, so on
earth" may be made possible, that is, made possible by the Holy
Spirit revealing Christ to our hearts in that way. When we essay to
speak after this manner, the Spirit of Christ in us says, No, that
will not do, you must not speak like that. We find our speech is
changed by the love of Christ in our hearts. When we would do this
or that, go here or there, the Spirit of Christ in us says, Oh no,
not that way, not that thing, this way. We learn inwardly when the
Spirit of Christ comes in through new birth, and we begin to
understand what a heavenly order is, what a different mentality
there is in heaven.
How the Will of God is Done in Heaven
"Thy will be done, as in heaven, so on earth". If only we knew how
the will of God was done in heaven with a single eye; never with any
personal interest, how it will affect the ones who are going to do
it, what advantage it will bring to them or what they might have to
give up to do the will of God, no such considerations at all, but a
single eye. It is God's pleasure, God's glory, that governs in
heaven. "So on earth" - with a single eye to the glory of God, the
pleasure and satisfaction of God alone. "Thy will be done, as in
heaven". We cannot but believe that it is done very heartily there,
not grudgingly, no complaints or murmurings or reservations, but
"...heartily, as unto the Lord" (Col. 3:23) as we have in our New
Testament. That is how it is done in heaven.
And it is done unreservedly, wholly, utterly, and we can see in the
Lord Jesus how true it was. Heavenly order, no personal interests,
always repudiating suggestions of how it would affect Him, to
safeguard His own interests, to preserve His own person, to escape
suffering and death. Never would He allow such a suggestion to
influence Him. The glory of God, the satisfaction of God was the
only consideration. Heartily - "I delight to do thy will" (Psa.
40:8) - heartily unto the Lord, ungrudgingly and perfectly. He
became "obedient unto death, yea, the death of the cross" (Phil.
2:8). How utter was His obedience to His Father's will. That is how
it is done in heaven. Let us ask the Lord that so it may be done in
us, as members of the family, and in us as that family together.
Edited and supplied by the Golden Candlestick Trust.