T. Austin-Sparks
The Lord's work makes progress not only in spite of difficulties but
frequently by means of them. Service to God is rendered in a world
where the Enemy has power and uses it in untiring and varied
aggression against all that is done for God. This ceaseless
opposition, directed against the glory of Christ, has beneficial
effects. It reminds His servants of their inability to do anything
in their own strength and of their dependence on the Lord, and casts
them upon Him for His ever-ready help. It thereby proves the means
of strengthening them to continue their arduous labour with joy of
heart, and to face and go through every difficulty, strong in the
Lord and the power of His might, and undeterred by any obstacle
however formidable.
"But Satan Hindered." (?)
The way in which God turns to good account the Adversary's
opposition to His servants is frequently illustrated in the
Scriptures. One of the most striking cases is the result of the
hindrance placed by Satan against the return of the Apostle Paul to
the church at Thessalonica. He would fain have come to them, he
says, once and again, but Satan hindered (1 Thess. 2:18). Whatever
the actual hindrance was - not improbably it lay in the fact that
pledges against the renewal of trouble had been extracted by the
city authorities from Jason and the other converts (Acts 17:9) - it
nevertheless resulted in the Apostle's writing to them instead.
Accordingly the effect of the Devil's opposition is that we are in
possession of the priceless treasures of the two Epistles to the
Thessalonians. In a similar manner we might trace the circumstances
which produced the later Epistles written during Paul's confinement
in Rome. Again, in recording the events connected with the penning
of one of these very Epistles, he says that the things which had
happened to him there had proved to be for the progress of the
gospel; for his bonds had become manifest in Christ "throughout the
whole Praetorian Guard, and to all the rest." This suggests that the
soldiers of this famous regiment, as well as others, had heard the
gospel from his lips. A further result of his difficulties he speaks
of as follows: "Most of the brethren in the Lord, being confident
through my bonds, are more abundantly bold to speak the Word of God
without fear" (Phil.1:12-14, R.V.).
Here, then, was a missionary, hampered in his work, restricted in
his activity, and circumscribed in the sphere of his service, the
object of Satan's ceaseless and varied hostility. To all appearances
the efforts of the enemy had resulted in a serious set-back to the
spread of the gospel. One is inclined perhaps to conceive that
greater advances might have been made, had this servant of God been
at liberty to continue his journeys, founding new churches, visiting
those already established, and otherwise furthering the cause of
Christ. Not so in the thoughts and purposes of the Lord. God is not
thwarted by the work of His foes. "None can stay His hand." How
little we are able to calculate the far-reaching effects of the
Apostle's testimony in Rome, or the full extent of the meaning of
his inspired statement, "The things which have happened unto me have
fallen out rather unto the progress of the gospel"! And after all,
was he not following in the steps of His Master whose faithful and
devoted servant he was, and whose own claims and authority had
seemed to the world absolutely invalidated by the overwhelming
degradation and shameful humiliation of the Cross? The Death of
Christ was but a seeming defeat. The Enemy who sought to accomplish
it met his doom in his apparent success. The secret of the glorious
victory over that effort of the Evil One was made known in Eden, at
his first attempt to thwart the Divine will. The bruising of the
heel of the Seed of the woman, would mean the bruising of the head
of the foe himself. The death of the Son of God was the destruction
of His adversary.
Satan Buffeted
We similarly see God's wonder-working way in the matter of physical
weakness. How many a worker who is tried in health feels that much
more effective service could be rendered if only he were free from
the malady! Here again the lesson of Paul's life had been recorded
for our comfort. Doubtless he felt that his loved ministry was much
impeded by his "thorn in the flesh." He besought the Lord thrice
that it might depart from him. Though his request was not granted,
the Lord saw to it, not only that he should be comforted, but that
all that was needed by way of explanation should be made known to
him. There was both the preventive side of the trouble and the
empowering side. Not only did he learn that it was inflicted lest he
should be exalted overmuch through the greatness of the revelations
he had received, but he also learned gladly to glory in his
weaknesses, that the power of Christ might rest upon him. Let us
note, too, the abiding effort which the gracious word of the Lord
had upon him. He records it not as a mere historical incident, but
as something the comfort of which he had felt ever since, and was
still enjoying. "He
hath said (not 'He said') unto me, My
grace is sufficient for thee; for My strength is made perfect in
weakness" (2 Cor. 12:9). The consequence was that he could say,
"When I am weak, then am I strong." That was the outcome of Satan's
buffeting. The hindrance became a help. Satan's messenger became the
Lord's minister. Many and many a servant of God has been similarly tried. How blessed the
comfort of this record of Paul's experience! And how wonderful will
be the revelation, in the coming Day, of God's dealings with us in
our service here below!
Satan Traduced
We learn from the Apostle of other ways in which his service was
hampered. His heart must have been sorely tried by the constant
activity of those who traduced him, imputing things to him of which
he was not guilty, and seeking to undo his work by misrepresentation
and insinuation. This he particularly mentions in the second Epistle
to the Corinthians. The gospel had proved fruitful in Corinth, both
among Jew and Gentile. During the initial difficulties the Lord had
revealed to him that He had "much people in that city." We are
therefore not surprised to find that the opposition of the Adversary
was vigorous and varied. The character of his ministry was
disparaged by influential opponents. He was accused of changing his
opinion and of fickleness (2 Cor. 1:17,18); of walking according to
the flesh (10:2); of inferior capacities in his ministry (10:10); of
acting toward the saints by guile and taking advantage of them for
his own ends (12:16,17). Unfavourable comparisons were made between
him and other apostles (11:5,6), and the service he had rendered in
such disinterestedness and genuine love was in other ways defamed.
All this must have been exceedingly burdensome. Moreover these
matters required firm handling, not in the spirit of mere
self-defence, but for the sake of the Lord's work and the profit of
the church. We can understand something of the stress under which
this Epistle was written.
There can be scarcely anything more trying for the servant of the
Lord than misrepresentation of his motives and methods, and
especially when he might have expected that those who act thus would
seek an opportunity of an interview with him, and of becoming
acquainted with facts. Sometimes it pleases God thus to test faith.
Yet even these obstacles are under His control and become His
instruments for the carrying out of His purposes. Difficulties are
intended to draw us nearer to the Lord. Thus, learning that all our
resources lie in Him, we derive from Him the power to enable us, if
our private interests are at stake, to manifest the spirit of Christ
towards our detractors. If, on the other hand, the honour of His
Name and the blessing of His people require that the matter be taken
up in any way, the Lord is ready to impart the wisdom and strength
to do so, and from Him alone can we derive it. In each respect the
Apostle, who so closely followed the Lord, has set us an example.
"God is His Own Interpreter."
Hindrances in service come from within as well as from without.
Against these we ever need to be on the watch. There is always a
tendency for our service to become merely mechanical, in other
words, void of that spiritual power which must ever be present if we
are to be used of God. Only the help of the Holy Spirit is
sufficient for the maintenance of that power. It is His gracious
ministry to lead us constantly into communion with God, that is to
say, into the realisation of fellowship with the Father and with the
Son, and this He does through the Word of God. Times of communion,
alone with the Lord, undistracted by earthly circumstances, are
essential for spiritual vitality in service. We must be first
occupied with Christ if we are to be occupied for Him. Indeed, the
presentation of our bodies "a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable
unto Him" is described as our reasonable (or intelligent) service
(Rom. 12:1). The word in this passage denotes that form of service
which is itself an act of worship.
Then, again, the influence of the world without is apt to find a
ready entrance into our inner life. Contact with the world,
inevitable in our work for the Lord, tends to deaden our
sensitiveness to sin. For the isolated missionary, surrounded
continually by the grossness of heathenism, the conditions are
acknowledged to be unspeakably testing in this respect; but nowhere
can we afford to be negligent in watching against the gradual
encroachment of the power of the world upon our spiritual life, and
the consequent diminution of spiritual vigour.
How perfect is the provision made for us, by which the hindrances
arising from the flesh within may be counteracted and removed! The
unremitting ministry of our Great High Priest, the efficacy of His
precious blood, the work of the Holy Spirit in our hearts, and the
rectifying and guiding power of the Word of God, these are our
unfailing resources.
Rewards of Service
To the devoted servant of Christ the service He appoints carries its
own reward. The love that has liberated him from the bondage of sin
has captivated his soul. For one who appreciates, even in a small
measure, what his Redeemer has done for him, it suffices that he
should be the bondservant of Jesus Christ. Grace it is that provides
us with service to render. "I was made a minister (or servant)," the
Apostle says, "according to the grace of God which was given me"
(Eph. 3:7). The unutterable love of Christ is enough to preclude our
looking upon any reward of our service as the motive of that
service. Still less as the outcome of merit on the servant's part.
He Himself taught His disciples to say, after they had fulfilled
their service, "We are unprofitable servants; we have done that
which was our duty to do."
There is, however, another side to this, and the Lord constantly
directed the hearts of His followers for their encouragement to the
reward which would eventually be theirs. Thus, concerning deeds of
kindness He said, "He that receiveth a prophet in the name of a
prophet shall receive a prophet's reward; and he that receiveth a
righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a
righteous man's reward, and whosoever shall give to drink unto one
of these little ones a cup of cold water only, in the name of a
disciple, verily I say unto you he shall in no wise lose his reward"
(Matt. 10:41,42, R.V.).
Concerning rejection and reproach for His sake, He said, "Blessed
are ye when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you
from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name
as evil, for the Son of Man's sake. Rejoice ye in that day and leap
for joy: for behold your reward is great in heaven" (Luke 6: 22,23).
Again, concerning self-sacrifice for His sake, "There is no man that
hath left house, or parents, or brethren, or wife, or children, for
the kingdom of God's sake, who shall not receive manifold more in
this present time, and in the world to come life everlasting" (Luke
Faithful stewardship would result in the reward of authority
hereafter (Luke 12:44), and similarly the Lord's explanation of the
parable of the nobleman and his servants who were left to trade with
his money, was "Unto every one that hath, to him shall be given; but
from him that hath not, even that which he hath shall be taken away
from him" (Luke 19:20).
So elsewhere in the Word of God, the Holy Spirit constantly directs
us to have regard to the reward, and warns us of the possibility of
losing it. Moses is brought before us as a pattern for our faith in
this respect. The reason assigned to his decision to be "evil
entreated with the people of God," instead of enjoying pleasures of
sin for a season, was that, "accounting the reproach of Christ
greater riches than the treasures of Egypt, he had respect unto the
recompense of the reward."
Reproach for Christ was His Present Riches
The reward would come after. That is ever to be the order. Christ
Himself, first; the reward He gives, second. Loyalty to Christ will
never fail of present blessing and future recompense. Never did a
saint suffer spiritually by accumulated wealth accruing from
endurance of reproaches for Christ.
The manner in which the Apostle Paul had respect unto the recompense
of reward is strikingly brought out in his first Epistle to the
Corinthians. Speaking of his service in the gospel, he tells of his
efforts to gain both Jew and Gentile; he says, "I am become all
things to all men, that I may by all means save some. And I do all
things for the gospel's sake, that I may be a joint partaker
thereof" (1 Cor. 9:22,23, R.V.). How thoroughly the messenger was
identified with his message! The blessing wrought by the gospel was
his own blessing. There could be no half-heartedness about work
carried on like that. He then applies to his service the metaphors
of the race-course and the boxing-match, "I therefore so run," he
says, "as not uncertainly; so fight I (the Greek word means 'box';
see R.V., margin) as not beating the air: but I buffet my body and
bring it into bondage: lest by any means after that I have preached
to others, I myself should be rejected." There was no false step in
the running, no random blow in the buffeting. We miss his meaning if
we take him to indicate the actual beating of the body in outwardly
imposed, ascetic discipline. On the contrary, he kept his natural
inclinations and propensities in severe check, in order that his
members might be in entire subjection to the will of God for His
service. He mortified the deeds of the body. But while he does this
for the Lord's sake, as His servant, his eye is on the Judgment
Seat. It is possible to be eternally saved by grace as a believer
and yet to be disapproved at the time of reward-giving there. In the
Olympian games in Greece, a competitor who had infringed the
regulations was pronounced
adokimos at the
bema. But
the matter did not end there. He was required to place at his own
expense a bronze image of Jupiter at the entrance of the arena, as
the lasting memorial of his disqualification. The intense solemnity
of the possibility of disqualification at the Judgment Seat of
Christ, led the Apostle to undergo the rigid discipline mentioned
above. Stretching forward to the things that are before, he pressed
on "toward the goal unto the prize of the high calling of God in
Christ Jesus."
The Vital "How" and "What."
There is a solemn passage in the same Epistle regarding reward, and
loss of reward, in connection with gospel work and subsequent
service in building up assemblies. First, there is the metaphor
drawn from agriculture. One labourer plants and another waters. Both
are one, as God's fellow-workers. Their rewards are to differ
according to the labour of each. Then there is the metaphor of the
builder. "If any man buildeth on the foundation gold, silver,
precious stones, wood, hay, stubble, each man's work shall be made
manifest: for the day shall declare it because it is revealed in
fire; and the fire itself shall prove each man's work of what sort
it is" (1 Cor. 3:8-13). It is possible to engage in service in
connection with the gospel according to methods which may appear
attractive and successful, but which are not in conformity to the
will of God. The Lord gauges our service, not by its success, but by
our faithfulness to Him. Apparent success may after all be the
outcome of building wood, hay, and stubble on the foundation.
"If any man's work shall abide which he hath built thereon, he shall
receive a reward. If any man's work shall be burned he shall suffer
loss: but he himself shall be saved, but so as by fire." The fire
will consume, not purify. Not the man himself is to be burned but
his work, work which, figuratively, consists of wood, hay, or
stubble, work that has been done in the energy of the natural will,
rather than by faithful adherence to the instruction of God's Word
under the guidance of the Spirit. How important it is to do all
things "according to the pattern that has been shown us"! The theme
is continued in the next chapter, where Paul speaks of himself and
his fellow-workers as "servants of Christ." In this respect we are
not to judge one another before the time. When the Lord comes He
"will both bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and make
manifest the counsels of the hearts; and then shall each man have
his praise from God" (4:1-5). We must not act toward our
fellow-servants as if we were on the judgment seat. The Judge
Himself, by whom actions are weighed, will in that day bestow upon
each one the praise that is due. How faithfully the Apostle wrought in building up the saints! How
true to the pattern was his work! Consequently he is able to say
with confidence to the Thessalonian saints, "For what is our hope,
or joy, or crown of glorying? Are not even ye before our Lord Jesus
at His coming?" - lit., "in His Parousia" (1 Thess. 2:19). Similarly
the saints at Philippi are his "joy and crown" (Phil. 4:1). Here are
rewards open to all, rewards for winning and caring for souls. Then,
a special reward is to be given for faithfulness in pastoral work.
The under shepherds who have themselves been examples to the flock
the while they have shepherded them, will receive from the Chief
Shepherd a crown of glory at His appearing (1 Pet. 5:3,4).
Let all our service be characterised by two things especially.
Firstly, let it be rendered "heartily as to the Lord." For "of the
Lord we are to receive the reward of the inheritance." Secondly, let
our heart's affections be set upon His return. The crown of
righteousness is to be given to all them that have loved His
appearing. Loving His appearing is something very practical. With
the Apostle it meant fighting the good fight, finishing the course,
and keeping the faith (2 Tim. 4:7,8). To the day of reward the Lord
Himself looks forward, and almost His last word to His servants is,
"Behold I come quickly; and My reward is with Me (suggesting His
pleasure in bestowing it), to give every man according as his work
shall be."
First published in "A Witness and A Testimony" magazine, Nov-Dec 1930, Vol 8-6.