by T. Austin-Sparks
It seems perfectly clear that this whole matter right through the Scriptures is the matter of that service of peculiar importance and value to the Lord: the bearing of His testimony. It is that which is called ‘the service of God’. If we want to know what the Levites really are in representation and spiritual significance, that is made perfectly clear for us in the first three chapters of the book of the Revelation. The churches were brought into being by God for the testimony of Jesus. That is, I think, beyond dispute. They are, wherever they are, meant to be the vessels of that testimony. But here in these representative churches of the whole dispensation, in these first chapters of the Revelation, we find the churches, in general, failing in the matter of the testimony of Jesus.
Messages given in: Oct
1 - Sanctification for God
(50 minutes)
2 - Association With God
(45 minutes)
3 - Satisfaction of God
(40 minutes)
4 - A Vessel of the Testimony of Jesus
(48 minutes)
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