by T. Austin-Sparks
In the first place, 'Christianity' - the Christian life and the Church - owes its very existence to the advent of the Holy Spirit, to that day which is marked out in history as 'the Day of Pentecost'. There had been many days of Pentecost before that one, for the Feast of Weeks, the feast of the firstfruits of the wheat harvest (Ex. 23:16, 34:22), observed on the fiftieth day (Gk. pentekostos, fiftieth) after the Passover, was one of the seven principal festal seasons in Israel. The day of Pentecost had been observed year by year throughout the centuries. But there had never been a Day of Pentecost like this one.
Messages given in: May
1 - Introductory
(52 minutes)
3 - The Spirit of Christ's Character
(52 minutes)
4 - The HOLY Spirit
(33 minutes)
5 - The Spirit as Light
(58 minutes)
6 - The People of God and Their Inheritance
(45 minutes)
7 - Possessing the Inheritance
(44 minutes)
In keeping with T. Austin-Sparks' wishes that what was freely received should be freely given and not sold for profit, and that his messages be reproduced word for word, we ask if you choose to share these messages with others, to please respect his wishes and offer them freely - free of any changes, free of any charge (except necessary distribution costs) and with this statement included.